
Islamic Center i tysk TV om antisemitism

Islamic Center filmas i moskén. Tysk TV har intervjuat muslimer i Malmö om antisemitismen som får judar att fly stan. Det sändes även i fransk TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHnb0Uu4FV0

Programmet med artikel hos tyska TV-kanalen Arte 9 oktober 2011: http://php5.arte.tv/yourope/de/2011/10/09/schweden-muslimischer-antisemitismus/

Översättning från tyska/franska till engelska om Islamic Center i TV-inslaget har gjorts av Bear med undertexter av Vlad Tepes:

"A full transcript is below the jump:

2:00 In Malmö
2:04 More and more Muslims come to Friday prayer. Amongst them...
2:08 Some from Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Palestine.
2:12 We do not find fundamentalists that hunt Jews
2:16 We are told that they pray in caves. They meet...
2:20 Alah aldin Al Qud. This refugee is seeking refuge from Palestine.
2:24 Is a member of a municipal forum that has a vocation dialogue and reconciliation...
2:28 between Jews and Muslims.
2:32 Some Jews condemn all Muslims as one.
2:36 We find the same behavior amongst Muslims that consider Jews...
2:40 all Israelis. We try to fight this prejudice.
2:44 And incorrect imagery. But every time ...
2:48 the conflict in the middle-East inflames itself, in Rosengaard the spirits...
2:52 heats up against the Jews. Here the Muslims are a majority...
2:56 They represent 1/6th of the population of Malmö which is 50,000 people...
3:01 against a Jewish community that has 700 members."

Källa, Gates of Vienna måndag 10 oktober 2011: http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2011/10/leaving-malmo.html


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