
Spiritus Mundis skumma affärspartner

Spiritus Mundi som anordnar saudiresan för Malmös skolbarn använder översättningar på tre språk. Hemsidan för konstutbyte Malmö Riyadh är på svenska och har en engelsk och en arabisk version. Men på ett skumt vis skiljer de sig åt. När det gäller det saudiska utbildningsministeriet och det saudiska mejeriföretaget SADAFCO är versionerna olika. Nyligen har sidorna uppdaterats. Det verkar som om de rättar informationen efter den saudiska diktaturen. Inte ens delarna i informationen är lika. Vissa har klippts bort i det ena språket, fått tillägg i det andra språket och översatts helt annorlunda i det tredje språket. Genom att klicka på källorna nedan fås hela sidorna på de tre språken med olika utseenden

Jämför exempelvis de tre språkversionerna av samma sida för delen om saudiska mejeriföretaget SADAFCOs inblandning:

Först sidan på svenska:

"Finansiering av flygbiljetter Riyadh

Företaget som sponsrar samtliga flygbiljetter till Saudiarabien heter Sadafco. Företaget är en mejeriproducent från Kuwait med huvudkontor i Jeddah, Saudiarabien. Deras marknad sträcker sig över följande länder: Saudiarabien, Dubai, Jordanien, Bahrain och Qatar.

Sadafco går in i projektet för att de ser positivt på en utökad dialog mellan olika kulturer. Sadafco har valt att gå in som sponsor i projektet med ambitionen att fler skolbarn i Saudiarabien ska dricka mjölk till skolmaten istället för kolsyrade läskedrycker. Sadafco kommer att ha marknadsföring för sina produkter i samband med utställningen av barnens konst på National Museum i Riyadh.

SADAFCO (Saudia Dairy & Foodstuff Company) was established in 1976. Production commenced in 1977 in Jeddah with a focus on dairy products. Various other acquisitions were put in place in following years. Since 1991, in addition to milk related products including ice cream, the company has expanded the product range with the introduction of tomato paste, cheese (through the joint venture with Saudi New Zealand Milk Products (SNZMP) Saudi Arabia, hommos and snacks (through the acquisition of Sara Snack Foods Factory in 1995.) In May 2005, SADAFCO went public and is listed on the Stock Exchange of Saudi Arabia. There are over 100,000 shareholders.

SADAFCO went through a restructuring process in 2006 and is transforming into a result and consumer focused company. SADAFCO is market leader in milk, tomato paste and ice cream. The flagship brand Saudia is one of the strongest brands in Saudi Arabia."


Nummer två är sidan på engelska:

"Saudi Dairy & foodstuff company (SADAFCO) sponsor (Riyadh calling, Malmo are you with us?)

In pursuit of its diligent endeavours to promote peace & cultural understanding, SADAFCO sponsors cultural event (Riyadh calling, Malmo are you with us?) in association with the Saudi Ministry of education & Swedish NGO Spiritus Mundi.

This event will be an excellent opportunity for children of two countries to meet through the creative process of making art where 50 children will jointly create an artistic painting in the Riyadh national Museum.

For this event Sadafco will arrange a special Saudia milk corner for children to have milk breaks in order to provide children with a healthy drink enriched with vitamins & minerals necessary for physical growth, energy, and mental development.

Sadafco has been a pioneer in sponsoring such events for the past three decades and plans to continue to do so in pursuit of making the world a better place."


Den tredje versionen är Googles översättning av den arabiska websidan till engelska:

"Saudi Company for dairy products and food (SADAFCO Taiba) sponsor a cultural event in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in their tireless effort to promote love and peace, and the embodiment of the leading role in the economic and social development in the Kingdom of Saudi sponsor company for dairy products and food (Taiba) cultural program (call Riyadh - Malmo, are you with us?), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the company (minimum loving) Swedish, and this program provides a wonderful opportunity for a convergence of cultures, will visit Riyadh, where a group of students Swedish city of Malmo, and meet Saudi schools students, the events will be a rich cultural program different, notably paintings drawn 50 students from the two sides displayed in the National Museum of Riyadh. Convinced of the importance of bringing people together and identify the different civilizations and mutual benefit between the sons of Saudi company working for dairy products and food (Taiba) since more than thirty years to take care of this kind of activities that benefit the future generations, attended the demonstration of a wide range of cultural Saudi officials The Swedes, on this occasion evaluated (Taiba) to be a special milk producer Saudi Arabia and as it enjoys component of food rich in calcium and vitamins, thus ensuring the child's mental and physical growth in all stages of life."


Den arabiska sidans adress:

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