
Första rektorn som avskedades för islam

Den förste rektorn i Europa som avskedades för att han lärt muslimska skolflickor i England att simma var Ray Honeyford. Det skedde redan på 1980-talet. Han fick eskorteras av polis och arga muslimska föräldrar protesterade dagligen utanför skolan. Händelserna gick under namnet the Honeyford Affair:

"One man was not at all surprised at this outbreak of inchoate racial fury. He was Ray Honeyford, the headmaster of a middle school in an immigrant area of Bradford in the early 1980s. He knew that the official multiculturalist educational policies that he was expected to implement would sooner or later lead to social disaster such as these riots: and when he repeatedly exposed the folly of these policies in print, the advocates of “diversity”—who maintain that all cultures are equal but that opinions other than their own are forbidden—mounted a vicious and vituperative campaign against him. For at least two years, the Honeyford Affair, as it was known, was a national preoccupation, calling forth endless newspaper and broadcast commentary, the man himself often branded a near-murderous racist and ultimately drummed out of his job"


Nu finns videon på Youtube där rektorn Ray Honeyford intervjuas om de muslimska föräldrarnas krav på särbestämmelser i skolan. Intervjun startar någon minut in i inslaget:

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Läs mer från Googles källor om the Honeyford Affair:

Läs även hur Ray Honeyford blev kallad rasist tills han sades upp som rektor:

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