
Tips till Islamic Center om Malmös skjutningar når aldrig polisen

"Rädsla präglar Malmö för tillfället, och förtroendet för polisen sviktar. Det säger Bejzat Becirov, vd för Islamic Center i Malmö."

"Har du kommit i kontakt med folk som känner att de har information som skulle kunna vara till nytta för polisen?

– I djungeltelegrafen brukar det alltid komma någonting. Men eftersom vi inte är några poliser och inte vill sätta oss i den problematiken så brukar vi hänvisa till polisen, och då rycker de på axlarna."

Lyssna till radiointervjun med Becirov: "Ingen vet vart det ska sluta"

Källa, Sveriges Radio International onsdag 1 februari 2012: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=3993&artikel=4942263

"At Malmö's Islamic centre, the director Beyzet Becirov echoed Ask's assertion that there is more to the problem than gun laws. At present, he said some people are too scared to go to the shop, too scared to let their kids go to school, and even teenagers are staying at home instead of going out to socialise.

"People are afraid, I myself am afraid," he said. "What if two people get into a fight and you as a bystander end up with a stray bullet in your head?"

Becirov also said it is a challenge now for police to make residents feel comfortable coming to them with information. "Trust in the police goes up and down, so hopefully it will improve," he told Radio Sweden.

Has anyone in your congregation mentioned they have information about any of the murders?

"Through the jungle telegraph we hear things, but when we tell people to speak to the police, they just shrug their shoulders. People are scared of leaks within the police department, how do people know that what they say cannot be traced back to them? There are always leaks. Police have to show that they can protect people."

Do the people you speak with in Malmö think that the police can solve this string of murders?

"Nothing is impossible if we take it seriously enough. If police, politicians and we ourselves take it seriously enough to combat these bandits who are trying to destroy society."

Källa, SR International onsdag 1 februari 2012:

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