
Rasistiska muslimska elever bedöms i arbetsdomstol

Our logo was drawn by Mahbub and coloured in by Hadir Ali

Den kristne läraren Nicholas Kafouris är nu uppe i Londons centrala arbetsdomstol. Han fick sparken av skolledningen för att han klagat på att muslimska elever så unga som åtta år betedde sig rasistiskt och antisemitiskt. Nästan inga av skolans 465 elever har engelska som modersmål.

Bloggen Politiskt Inkorrekt skriver om nyheten på svenska:

BBC tar inte upp nyheten eftersom den ger en negativ bild av muslimer:

Redan 18 juli 2009 berättade Nicholas Kafouris i Daily Mail om de rasistiska muslimska eleverna på Bigland Green Primary School i östra London:

"A Christian teacher yesterday claimed he was forced out of his job after complaining that Muslim pupils as young as eight hailed the September 11 hijackers as heroes.

Nicholas Kafouris, 52, is suing his former school for racial discrimination.

He told a tribunal that he had to leave his £30,000-a-year post because he would not tolerate the 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' behaviour of Year 4 pupils.

The predominantly Muslim youngsters openly praised Islamic extremists in class and described the September 11 terrorists as 'heroes and martyrs'.

One pupil said: 'Don't touch me, you're a Christian' when he brushed against him.

Others said: 'We want to be Islamic bombers when we grow up', and 'The Christians and Jews are our enemies - you too because you're a Christian'."

"In the last week of November 2006 a child was talking about stabbing another child and I told him this was dangerous talk and that a lawyer had recently been stabbed by teenagers. His reply was, "I'm glad that man died". "Why?" I asked. "Because he's a Christian and English and we're Muslim"."

Läs ännu fler rasistiska uttalanden av de muslimska eleverna i artikeln från Daily Mail tisdag 9 februari 2010:

Hemsida för Bigland Green Primary School:

Fotogalleri från Multi-cultural Celebrations vid Bigland Green Primary School:

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